What makes your Christmas special?
Do you like to follow traditions or come up with new ideas each time?
One tradition we follow with H is that we never buy a Christmas tree.
Instead I sometimes get a tiny ever green mini cypress in a pot. It brings lots of joy for a long time. I like to place fruits such as oranges, lemons and pears in a beautiful bowl or cake stand. They make lovely decoration and are edible which is great. I love to put candles on tables and fresh flowers bring cozy atmosphere, too.
We don't buy or make many gifts to each other but a few thoughtful packages are enough. What I love the most is the wrapping part! I gather recycled pieces of paper, string and make gift tags out of cardboard. It's very simple and eco-friendly, personal too. I'd say all those things I mentioned are already my own traditions I loosely follow each year, they just feel *me*. Oh, and I like to bake gingerbread cookies and a couple of cakes as well. H luckily takes care of most cooking stuff here.
Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!
Mikä tekee sinun joulusta erityisen?
Seuraatko perinteitä vai tykkäätkö ideoida uusia juttuja joka vuosi?
Meille on muodostunut perinteeksi se, että emme hanki joulukuusta.
Sen sijaan ostan toisinaan pienen ikivihreän ruukkupuun josta on iloa pitkäksi aikaa. Asettelen hedelmiä kulhoon tai kakkustandiin, laitan pöydille kynttilöitä sekä tuoreita kukkia. Niistä saa aikaan melko ihanan tunnelman.
Meillä ei ole tapana antaa isoa määrää lahjoja toisillemme, mutta muutama tarkkaan harkittu paketti on kiva antaa ja saada. Parasta on mielestäni paketointi! Käytän vuoden mittaan kertyneitä kierrätettyjä papereita, kääreitä, naruja jne. Niistä saa kauniin yksinkertaisia paketteja jotka eivät rasita turhaan luontoa. Näistä kaikista pienistä jutuista on muotoutunut itselle traditioita joita sovellan vuodesta toiseen. Myös leipomispuuhat ovat osa jouluani, piparit ja pari kakkua täytyy tehdä. H on meillä onneksi ensisijainen kokkausvastaava.
Hyvää joulun aikaa sinulle ja läheisillesi!
December 22, 2011
December 15, 2011
Homemade Holiday Cards
Hi there!
I'm kind of late with my Christmas cards but this is what I'm making today:
holiday greeting cards with recycled cardboards!
We have stored lots of shipping material including recycled cardboards.
These are the most useful for a card project like this. Now, all I need is a paper cutter, few color pencils and a black pen. And a punch for some extra gift tags.
I wrote the recipient's mailing address on the reverse so the envelopes were not needed here.
Happy Holidays to you!
I'm kind of late with my Christmas cards but this is what I'm making today:
holiday greeting cards with recycled cardboards!
We have stored lots of shipping material including recycled cardboards.
These are the most useful for a card project like this. Now, all I need is a paper cutter, few color pencils and a black pen. And a punch for some extra gift tags.
I wrote the recipient's mailing address on the reverse so the envelopes were not needed here.
Happy Holidays to you!
Hieman viime tingassa olen joulukorttieni kanssa, mutta vielä tänään ehtii lähettämään edullisemmalla jouluhinnalla joten eikun toimeen!
Kaapista löytyi iso kasa pakkaus- ja postitusmateriaaleja kuten kierrätettyä pahvia ja se sopii
korttiprojektiin vallan mainiosti. Leikkaaminen käy helposti paperileikkurilla, lisäksi tarvitaan vain värikyniä ja musta tussi. Lisäksi myös rei'itin mikäli ylijäämäpaloista haluaa tehdä pakettikortteja.
Kirjoitin vastaanottajan tiedot takapuolelle, kuoria ei tarvittu.
Mukavaa joulun odottelua itse kullekin!
creative space,
November 21, 2011
Monday Happyness
Hello and Happy Monday!
I've started to think about the upcoming holidays
and looked through my Etsy favorites
I noticed there're many, many things I'd love to
give to someone as a present or get for myself this X-mas.
Here're a few that make this Monday a happy one!
ps. This Saturday I'll be at holiday market in Billnäs
it'll probably be the only one I'm attending this year
I thought it would be nice to take it easy with craft fairs now.
Hei ja hyvää maanantaita!
Ihan viime aikoina olen alkanut ajattelemaan
tulevaa joulun aikaa ja kävin läpi mm. Etsy-suosikkejani
siellä on monia juttuja joita tahtoisin joko antaa jollekin
lahjaksi tai saada ehkä myös itselleni tänä jouluna.
Tässä vain muutama esimerkki joiden näkeminen
tekee tästä maanantaista kivan päivän!
ps. Tulevana lauantaina osallistun Billnäsin Joulu -tapahtumaan ja
se taitaakin jäädä ainoaksi sillä ajattelin ottaa
tänä vuonna rauhallisesti myyjäisten kanssa.
I've started to think about the upcoming holidays
and looked through my Etsy favorites
I noticed there're many, many things I'd love to
give to someone as a present or get for myself this X-mas.
Here're a few that make this Monday a happy one!
ps. This Saturday I'll be at holiday market in Billnäs
it'll probably be the only one I'm attending this year
I thought it would be nice to take it easy with craft fairs now.
fingerless gloves by knitandwedding
felted elephants mobile by sewnnatural
ceramic pendant by taylorceramics
lambswool diaper cover by laurablossom
bear cub pin badge by elizabethpawle
Hei ja hyvää maanantaita!
Ihan viime aikoina olen alkanut ajattelemaan
tulevaa joulun aikaa ja kävin läpi mm. Etsy-suosikkejani
siellä on monia juttuja joita tahtoisin joko antaa jollekin
lahjaksi tai saada ehkä myös itselleni tänä jouluna.
Tässä vain muutama esimerkki joiden näkeminen
tekee tästä maanantaista kivan päivän!
ps. Tulevana lauantaina osallistun Billnäsin Joulu -tapahtumaan ja
se taitaakin jäädä ainoaksi sillä ajattelin ottaa
tänä vuonna rauhallisesti myyjäisten kanssa.
monday moodboard
November 10, 2011
Little Inspiration
Hi there!
Just wanted to post a few photos for a little inspiration
I've a nice collection of vintage supplies and love to think
of their origin, places where they were made
people who have bought them in the first place
made something out of them and recycled the rest when
they have ended up to flea markets still being useful and fun to look at
I love to use those little things as part of Karuski items
plates and bowls are great for storing supplies
and they make lovely photo props as well
Halusin jakaa muutaman kuvan ihan vain inspiraatioksi
minulle on kertynyt mukava kokoelma ompelu- ym. materiaaleja
monet niistä ovat vintagea ja onkin hauska miettiä niiden alkuperää
missä ne on valmistettu ja kuka ne on alun perin hankkinut,
käyttänyt johonkin tarpeelliseen ja kierrättänyt loput
jolloin ne ovat päätyneet kirpputoreille muiden iloksi ja hyödyksi
Näitä pieniä juttuja on kiva käyttää Karuskin
tuotteissa ja oheismateriaaleissa
lautaset ja kulhot toimivat säilömispaikkoina pienille tarvikkeille
niistä saa myös kauniita somisteita valokuviin
Just wanted to post a few photos for a little inspiration
I've a nice collection of vintage supplies and love to think
of their origin, places where they were made
people who have bought them in the first place
made something out of them and recycled the rest when
they have ended up to flea markets still being useful and fun to look at
I love to use those little things as part of Karuski items
plates and bowls are great for storing supplies
and they make lovely photo props as well
Halusin jakaa muutaman kuvan ihan vain inspiraatioksi
minulle on kertynyt mukava kokoelma ompelu- ym. materiaaleja
monet niistä ovat vintagea ja onkin hauska miettiä niiden alkuperää
missä ne on valmistettu ja kuka ne on alun perin hankkinut,
käyttänyt johonkin tarpeelliseen ja kierrättänyt loput
jolloin ne ovat päätyneet kirpputoreille muiden iloksi ja hyödyksi
Näitä pieniä juttuja on kiva käyttää Karuskin
tuotteissa ja oheismateriaaleissa
lautaset ja kulhot toimivat säilömispaikkoina pienille tarvikkeille
niistä saa myös kauniita somisteita valokuviin
October 25, 2011
Around My Home
Hello friends!
Last weekend I participated in a design market in Turku
There was an amazing fashion show of upcoming designers
and the atmosphere of the whole event was inspiring, loved it!
It can be that I wont be making fairs or markets around
the holiday season so this was probably my last one this year
The reason is, we're expecting a baby to arrive in mid January
so I want to take it easy and avoid planning too much
Perhaps I have some extra time for my Etsy shop now?
Link Love: I find this home related post very charming...
Last weekend I participated in a design market in Turku
There was an amazing fashion show of upcoming designers
and the atmosphere of the whole event was inspiring, loved it!
It can be that I wont be making fairs or markets around
the holiday season so this was probably my last one this year
The reason is, we're expecting a baby to arrive in mid January
so I want to take it easy and avoid planning too much
Perhaps I have some extra time for my Etsy shop now?
Link Love: I find this home related post very charming...
New slippers from Iloa Design, she had a table next to mine at Turku event
A photo shoot session in action
Everything looks kind of funny and wonky in this picture but that's ok
Sweet dreams, dream away
Viime viikonlopun designmarket Turussa oli oikein kiva tapahtuma
erityisesti muotinäytöksissä oli inspiroiva tunnelma!
Voi olla, että en osallistu enää joulumyyjäisiin
joten tämä saattoi olla vuoden viimeinen myyntitapahtumani
Meille on tulossa tammikuun puolen välin tienoilla uusi perheenjäsen
ja tämä on syy ottaa joulun alla rauhallisesti liikoja suunittelematta
Mutta ehkäpä nyt olisi enemmän aikaa Etsy-kaupalleni?
Tässä vielä linkkivinkki inspiroivaan kotiaiheiseen postaukseen...
Tässä vielä linkkivinkki inspiroivaan kotiaiheiseen postaukseen...
October 17, 2011
Thank You
I just wanted to take this chance to thank everyone
who visited the Korjaamo craft & design market on the weekend.
It's a place I love to go and really enjoy both interior
and the atmosphere alike.
The next venue comes up soon:
this Saturday there'll be a young designer fashion show
Dressing Mimia Design & Arts Event in Logomo, Turku
design market will be organized as part of this evening event
So, I hope to see you there!
Kiitos kaikille jotka poikkesitte Korjaamon markkinoilla,
tapahtuma on joka kerta yhtä kiva ja paikka on mielestäni viehättävä
niin interiöörin kuin tunnelmankin puolesta.
Seuraava happening tulee jo pian
tämän viikon lauantaina järjestetään Turun Logomossa
Dressing Mimia Design & Arts Event
se sisältää mm. nuorten suunnittelijoiden muotinäytöksen
ja designmyyjäiset järjestetään tämän iltatilaisuuden yhteydessä.
Toivottavasti nähdään siellä!
ps. Toivon saavani ensimmäiset uudet läppärisuojalaukkuni
valmiiksi lauantaihin mennessä
who visited the Korjaamo craft & design market on the weekend.
It's a place I love to go and really enjoy both interior
and the atmosphere alike.
The next venue comes up soon:
this Saturday there'll be a young designer fashion show
Dressing Mimia Design & Arts Event in Logomo, Turku
design market will be organized as part of this evening event
So, I hope to see you there!
Karuski's new laptop sleeve prototype is here
I'll do my best to get the first batch ready by this Saturday
Kiitos kaikille jotka poikkesitte Korjaamon markkinoilla,
tapahtuma on joka kerta yhtä kiva ja paikka on mielestäni viehättävä
niin interiöörin kuin tunnelmankin puolesta.
Seuraava happening tulee jo pian
tämän viikon lauantaina järjestetään Turun Logomossa
Dressing Mimia Design & Arts Event
se sisältää mm. nuorten suunnittelijoiden muotinäytöksen
ja designmyyjäiset järjestetään tämän iltatilaisuuden yhteydessä.
Toivottavasti nähdään siellä!
ps. Toivon saavani ensimmäiset uudet läppärisuojalaukkuni
valmiiksi lauantaihin mennessä
craft fair,
laptop sleeve,
new work
October 13, 2011
Craft & Design Market
I'm happy to say the first craft market for this fall is here
This Saturday and Sunday I'll be at Korjaamo in Helsinki
the venue is open both days from 11am until 5pm
Here are just a few of the newest purses
I finished this week and will bring with me
[along with popular earrings, necklaces and headbands, of course]
I hope to see you there!
Tulevana viikonloppuna matkaan Korjaamon markkinoille Helsinkiin
tapahtuma on avoinna molempina päivinä klo 11 - 17
Otan mukaani mm. nämä uusimmat pussukat
jotka valmistuivat sopivasti tällä viikolla
[unohtamatta suosittuja korvakoruja, kaulanauhoja ja hiuspantoja]
Toivottavasti tavataan Töölössä!
This Saturday and Sunday I'll be at Korjaamo in Helsinki
the venue is open both days from 11am until 5pm
Here are just a few of the newest purses
I finished this week and will bring with me
[along with popular earrings, necklaces and headbands, of course]
I hope to see you there!
Tulevana viikonloppuna matkaan Korjaamon markkinoille Helsinkiin
tapahtuma on avoinna molempina päivinä klo 11 - 17
Otan mukaani mm. nämä uusimmat pussukat
jotka valmistuivat sopivasti tällä viikolla
[unohtamatta suosittuja korvakoruja, kaulanauhoja ja hiuspantoja]
Toivottavasti tavataan Töölössä!
craft fair,
karuski purse,
new work
October 07, 2011
Happy Weekend
Just lately I have discovered
so many beautiful sites and blogs
it's hard to choose which ones to show
there is a long list waiting for being posted
Let's start with Susie Cowie
she creates embroidery and print
I like the weekends best when
they aren't filled with many plans
fortunately mine are often just like that
but a week from now there is a
design & craft market coming up
and there will be another event one week from there
so it means a little bit busy times for me
First, I'm going to enjoy this weekend
I hope you'll enjoy yours, too!
so many beautiful sites and blogs
it's hard to choose which ones to show
there is a long list waiting for being posted
Let's start with Susie Cowie
she creates embroidery and print
via susie cowie
I like the weekends best when
they aren't filled with many plans
fortunately mine are often just like that
but a week from now there is a
design & craft market coming up
and there will be another event one week from there
so it means a little bit busy times for me
First, I'm going to enjoy this weekend
I hope you'll enjoy yours, too!
craft fair,
susie cowie,
October 05, 2011
Good Read: Defining Happiness
It's been a little quiet here on Karuski's blog
there are many reasons for that but let's put it this way:
I've been on slower pace in many ways lately
I've been on the web though
reading blogs and news and
been in touch with my online friends
It's just that I haven't promoted my items
that much lately
I've been making things but not for my Etsy shop
Just wanted to let you know,
it's all good here!
I really like to recommend you this article
I read just today: Failure, Success, Profit & The Pursuit of Happiness
It's about defining your *own* happiness and success
It was very touching and written from the heart
and resonates so well with my own thoughts
I added OhMyHandmade to my blog roll instantly
this wasn't the only article I wanted to read there
Have a happy day, be well!
It's been a little quiet here on Karuski's blog
there are many reasons for that but let's put it this way:
I've been on slower pace in many ways lately
I've been on the web though
reading blogs and news and
been in touch with my online friends
It's just that I haven't promoted my items
that much lately
I've been making things but not for my Etsy shop
Just wanted to let you know,
it's all good here!
via OhMyHandmade
I really like to recommend you this article
I read just today: Failure, Success, Profit & The Pursuit of Happiness
It's about defining your *own* happiness and success
It was very touching and written from the heart
and resonates so well with my own thoughts
I added OhMyHandmade to my blog roll instantly
this wasn't the only article I wanted to read there
Have a happy day, be well!
September 28, 2011
Greetings From Berlin #2
Hi there,
Is it the days that are getting shorter
because I really feel my pace is so slow now?!
I love autumn but not very much looking forward
to those days and months with minimal daylight
Anyhow, here are a few more picture from Berlin
where I got a chance to spend a week
while visiting Hello Etsy
I'm going to cherish that week as it was filled with
many happy moments, warm weather
all those amazing speakers and fellow crafters
Berlin was really great again!
It can bring your pictures really alive!
Is it the days that are getting shorter
because I really feel my pace is so slow now?!
I love autumn but not very much looking forward
to those days and months with minimal daylight
Anyhow, here are a few more picture from Berlin
where I got a chance to spend a week
while visiting Hello Etsy
I'm going to cherish that week as it was filled with
many happy moments, warm weather
all those amazing speakers and fellow crafters
Berlin was really great again!
a handbook to guide us through Hello Etsy
Thanks ThingLink for featuring Karuski on the handbook!
Here's just a part of visit cards I swapped during the weekend.
Lovely collection.
Lovely collection.
H with towers, such a silly picture
Two of us on this funny close up photo
Have you noticed that some of my pictures include tags with links?
I wanted to try the linking tools ThingLink provides
it's quite awesome you can add several links to one picture if you like
they even have the audio tool so you can include a little story
to go along the item or people in your photo
It can bring your pictures really alive!
[this wasn't a paid ad LOL]
September 23, 2011
Greetings From Berlin
I just got back home from Berlin,
it was the Hello Etsy summit I visited
and as I was traveling with H
we wanted to stay for some extra days
so all in all it was a one week trip to us.
I can't believe how warm it still was in Berlin
we had dinners outside and walked without
jackets during the day
only Sunday happened to be a rainy day
It was awesome to meet lots of online Etsy friends
at the summit which took place 17. - 18.9.
There were lots of interesting sessions
one of my favorite speakers was Natalie Chanin
you should definitely check out her unique & ethnical clothing line.
Here are just a few of my lovely European Etsy friends I was lucky to meet!
I'm going to make another
Berlin related post in the coming days
so if interested in seeing and reading more
stay tuned!
I just got back home from Berlin,
it was the Hello Etsy summit I visited
and as I was traveling with H
we wanted to stay for some extra days
so all in all it was a one week trip to us.
I can't believe how warm it still was in Berlin
we had dinners outside and walked without
jackets during the day
only Sunday happened to be a rainy day
It was awesome to meet lots of online Etsy friends
at the summit which took place 17. - 18.9.
There were lots of interesting sessions
one of my favorite speakers was Natalie Chanin
you should definitely check out her unique & ethnical clothing line.
Here are just a few of my lovely European Etsy friends I was lucky to meet!
Judit and Mitsy enjoying Marimekko fabrics
Mari having fun sewing
Rhiannon and Hello Etsy bear
Petronella with Mitsy on a break
I'm going to make another
Berlin related post in the coming days
so if interested in seeing and reading more
stay tuned!
September 05, 2011
Around My Home
Hello everyone,
During the weekend I got inspired by
what I saw on Enhabiten's lovely blog.
It's easy to understand how her Enhabiten collection
of home wares and decoration looks so naturally beautiful
when seeing her home interior with
of home wares and decoration looks so naturally beautiful
when seeing her home interior with
all those vintage (or not) items in her house.
This inspired me to take photos of our home
and I thought to post a few every now and then
just as I love to see others' homes some of you
might enjoy seeing bits of mine.
post card by prettylittlethieves
H's collection of vintage film camera equipment
I know these dried flowers collect dust but I can't help myself
autumn + candles= ♥
Each time I post these I'll include a link to someone's sweet blog
where I've seen something inspiring of her/his home.
This week it was Liane of Enhabiten.
This week it was Liane of Enhabiten.
Have a lovely new week!
August 30, 2011
Greetings From Turku
Hi there,
A long weekend in Turku is now behind
we worked from 10 am until midnight (+ packing and unpacking every day)
gosh, it was fun but I'm so tired now!
Kimara had a shared tent at Tall Ships Regatta
there were lots of folks strolling by day and night
I saw some amazing old ships by the river
fireworks on Friday night looked great, too
I'm happy we made it
Thanks everyone who visited us, we ♥ turku
A long weekend in Turku is now behind
we worked from 10 am until midnight (+ packing and unpacking every day)
gosh, it was fun but I'm so tired now!
Kimara had a shared tent at Tall Ships Regatta
there were lots of folks strolling by day and night
I saw some amazing old ships by the river
fireworks on Friday night looked great, too
kimara's tent via tuuni
tuuni purses with karuski jewelry
kimaraCRAFTS flyers
syko's sweet corner
I'm happy we made it
Thanks everyone who visited us, we ♥ turku
craft fair,
turku regatta,
August 25, 2011
Craft Market Calling
Hi everyone,
This weekend I'll travel to Turku with Kimara girls
we'll set up a booth for a long weekend
there's a Tall Ships Regatta in town
so we'll get a chance to see some awesome grand ships, too
So funny how sweet new ideas arrive when you're busy
and should concentrate in producing things in quantities
but what can one do... I just wanted to give a try
and came up with new floral brooches and headbands
They feature a beautiful vintage Finnish print fabric
which I reinforced and added some felt to make them sturdy
I like the way they are all unique pieces yet look nicely uniform together
For sure I'll bring a bunch of these to our upcoming weekend event!
How is your week going?
This weekend I'll travel to Turku with Kimara girls
we'll set up a booth for a long weekend
there's a Tall Ships Regatta in town
so we'll get a chance to see some awesome grand ships, too
So funny how sweet new ideas arrive when you're busy
and should concentrate in producing things in quantities
but what can one do... I just wanted to give a try
and came up with new floral brooches and headbands
They feature a beautiful vintage Finnish print fabric
which I reinforced and added some felt to make them sturdy
I like the way they are all unique pieces yet look nicely uniform together
For sure I'll bring a bunch of these to our upcoming weekend event!
How is your week going?
craft fair,
new work
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