November 10, 2011

Little Inspiration

Hi there!

Just wanted to post a few photos for a little inspiration
I've a nice collection of vintage supplies and love to think
of their origin, places where they were made
people who have bought them in the first place
made something out of them and recycled the rest when
they have ended up to flea markets still being useful and fun to look at

I love to use those little things as part of Karuski items
plates and bowls are great for storing supplies
and they make lovely photo props as well

Halusin jakaa muutaman kuvan ihan vain inspiraatioksi
minulle on kertynyt mukava kokoelma ompelu- ym. materiaaleja
monet niistä ovat vintagea ja onkin hauska miettiä niiden alkuperää
missä ne on valmistettu ja kuka ne on alun perin hankkinut,
käyttänyt johonkin tarpeelliseen ja kierrättänyt loput
jolloin ne ovat päätyneet kirpputoreille muiden iloksi ja hyödyksi

Näitä pieniä juttuja on kiva käyttää Karuskin
tuotteissa ja oheismateriaaleissa
lautaset ja kulhot toimivat säilömispaikkoina pienille tarvikkeille
niistä saa myös kauniita somisteita valokuviin



andrea creates said...

beautiful photos!
i love using vintage goodies too, and wondering what, where and how they were used in the past is always intriguing :)

OnePerfectDay said...

These are great!
I have a fascination with vintage supplies too.
I have various bits and bobs from my grandmother and mother and lovely vintage fabric and embroidery which I always find difficult to cut up and use....

laccentnou said...

So sweet details, Minna! Love them!

I didn't know you are expecting too!
It's so wonderful! Is it your first child?
My warmest congratulations!

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