When I moved away from Helsinki some 3,5 years ago I left all my friends there. It's not that I wouldn't ever see them anymore but for sure the contacts are fewer now. In this tiny town I feel I'm an outsider and things wont probably change much in this sense days to come. My crafty soulmates are located all over the world within the internet connection. I need my Etsy friends e v e r y day: to say a quick hello, ask a question, listen to someone with good or little poor news, share your feelings and what's the most valuable; be assured I'm surrounded by people who share the same passion and are willing to give feedback and encourage each other. No matter where they are located, what's their background, age etc.
So thanks twitter, facebook, flickr and etsy. You fullfilled my needs. I ♥ you all!
Big hugs from "this side of the pond" to you too!
Oh, and not to forget: your blog! I stayed away from Etsy and Twitter lately, but I read the blogs I subscribed almost everyday to keep up with how you're all doing :) *hugs*
thanks for your kind words about our blog. The whole blog-writing thing is quite new to us, but it's already proven to be real fun. Your Etsy looks really nice too!
See you,
Minttu/ Pattern Bakery
yep, that's exactly how I feel !
*Big smile* You made a great choice on staying cyberly connected. Well done. I agree with you, it is one of the most convenient way to stay connected with your dear ones. I stay so far from my family and friends whom I know my whole life, but am so near because of these. Thank u for being our friend too. xxx
Yes it is great to connect with like minds from over the world, makes me feel home wherever I am!
I have the same feeling Mina!
Yip, same here, Minna! It's amazing how close everyone is even though they are far.
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