October 25, 2011

Around My Home

Hello friends!

Last weekend I participated in a design market in Turku
There was an amazing fashion show of upcoming designers
and the atmosphere of the whole event was inspiring, loved it!

It can be that I wont be making fairs or markets around
the holiday season so this was probably my last one this year
The reason is, we're expecting a baby to arrive in mid January
so I want to take it easy and avoid planning too much

Perhaps I have some extra time for my Etsy shop now?

Link Love: I find this home related post very charming...

New slippers from Iloa Design, she had a table next to mine at Turku event

A photo shoot session in action

Everything looks kind of funny and wonky in this picture but that's ok

Sweet dreams, dream away

Viime viikonlopun designmarket Turussa oli oikein kiva tapahtuma
erityisesti muotinäytöksissä oli inspiroiva tunnelma!
Voi olla, että en osallistu enää joulumyyjäisiin
joten tämä saattoi olla vuoden viimeinen myyntitapahtumani
Meille on tulossa tammikuun puolen välin tienoilla uusi perheenjäsen
ja tämä on syy ottaa joulun alla rauhallisesti liikoja suunittelematta

Mutta ehkäpä nyt olisi enemmän aikaa Etsy-kaupalleni?

Tässä vielä linkkivinkki inspiroivaan kotiaiheiseen postaukseen...


October 17, 2011

Thank You

I just wanted to take this chance to thank everyone
who visited the Korjaamo craft & design market on the weekend.
It's a place I love to go and really enjoy both interior
and the atmosphere alike.

The next venue comes up soon:
this Saturday there'll be a young designer fashion show
Dressing Mimia Design & Arts Event in Logomo, Turku
design market will be organized as part of this evening event
So, I hope to see you there!

Karuski's new laptop sleeve prototype is here
I'll do my best to get the first batch ready by this Saturday

Kiitos kaikille jotka poikkesitte Korjaamon markkinoilla,
tapahtuma on joka kerta yhtä kiva ja paikka on mielestäni viehättävä
niin interiöörin kuin tunnelmankin puolesta.

Seuraava happening tulee jo pian
tämän viikon lauantaina järjestetään Turun Logomossa
Dressing Mimia Design & Arts Event
se sisältää mm. nuorten suunnittelijoiden muotinäytöksen
ja designmyyjäiset järjestetään tämän iltatilaisuuden yhteydessä.
Toivottavasti nähdään siellä!

ps. Toivon saavani ensimmäiset uudet läppärisuojalaukkuni
valmiiksi lauantaihin mennessä


October 13, 2011

Craft & Design Market

I'm happy to say the first craft market for this fall is here
This Saturday and Sunday I'll be at Korjaamo in Helsinki
the venue is open both days from 11am until 5pm

Here are just a few of the newest purses
I finished this week and will bring with me
[along with popular earrings, necklaces and headbands, of course]

I hope to see you there!

Tulevana viikonloppuna matkaan Korjaamon markkinoille Helsinkiin
tapahtuma on avoinna molempina päivinä klo 11 - 17

Otan mukaani mm. nämä uusimmat pussukat
jotka valmistuivat sopivasti tällä viikolla
[unohtamatta suosittuja korvakoruja, kaulanauhoja ja hiuspantoja]

Toivottavasti tavataan Töölössä!


October 07, 2011

Happy Weekend

Just lately I have discovered
so many beautiful sites and blogs
it's hard to choose which ones to show
there is a long list waiting for being posted
Let's start with Susie Cowie
she creates embroidery and print

I like the weekends best when
they aren't filled with many plans
fortunately mine are often just like that
but a week from now there is a
design & craft market coming up
and there will be another event one week from there
so it means a little bit busy times for me

First, I'm going to enjoy this weekend

I hope you'll enjoy yours, too!


October 05, 2011

Good Read: Defining Happiness


It's been a little quiet here on Karuski's blog
there are many reasons for that but let's put it this way:
I've been on slower pace in many ways lately

I've been on the web though
reading blogs and news and
been in touch with my online friends

It's just that I haven't promoted my items
that much lately
I've been making things but not for my Etsy shop
Just wanted to let you know,
it's all good here!

I really like to recommend you this article
I read just today: Failure, Success, Profit & The Pursuit of Happiness
It's about defining your *own* happiness and success
It was very touching and written from the heart
and resonates so well with my own thoughts
I added OhMyHandmade to my blog roll instantly
this wasn't the only article I wanted to read there

Have a happy day, be well!

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