ja H on ollut kotona minun ja Eekan kanssa
Hän on tehnyt kovasti remonttihommia
Paljon on vielä työn alla, mutta asiat edistyvät mukavasti
Eeka täytti viime viikolla puoli vuotta
hän oppii uusia asioita koko ajan ja voi hyvin
Tietysti meidän arjessa on myös haasteita
Vauvan kanssa eläminen opettaa ja ohjaa meitä joka päivä
Sää on ollut kovin vaihtelevaa
ja viime aikoina on satanut paljon
Eilen illalla päätin tehdä juustokakun
ahomansikat ovat meidän takapihan satoa
Kakku maistuu oikein mainiolta!

We've been enjoying our vacation now in July
which means H is at home with me and Eeka
H has been doing lots of home renovation projects
many are still going on but things are proceeding pretty well
Eeka turned 6 months last week
He's learning new things all the time and doing great
of course our daily life involves challenges, too
Life with a baby teaches and guides us every day
The weather has been changing
and lately we've got a lot of rain here
Last night I baked a cheese cake
Wild strawberries are from our backyard
The cake tastes just delicious!
Wow, he has grown so much already. And what a cutie !!
Wow, he has grown so much :) And what a cutie !!
such a cutie!
Onnea Eekalle! Ja kiitos ihanista korvakoruista, justiin sellasia kuin halusin! :)
What a cutie, Minna! He looks like a very happy baby!
I have only 24 days left till my due date and can't wait to meet our little one! :)
There he is, prince charming! And such a big boy he is already. So sweet. :) Enjoy each minute, it goes by too fast ...
He's absolutely gorgeous!
That soft, round, collagen-filled cheek looks so perfect for kissing!
Unbelievable, that he's 6 month already and he looks so happy! Which is not a surprise ;)
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