February 02, 2009

Power of Silence

In my previous post I announced being ready for the spring. Should I take a few words back as today I really enjoyed our wintery landscape... We took a walk in the woods near my home. The walking route goes along the fields, gets to a narrow path and finally reaches a small lake with birdwatching towers. This time of the year the birds were not around but I could feel the silence of the nature instead. It was really calming. And beautiful. But a bit cold!


Edellisessä kirjoituksessani kerroin jo olevani valmis kevääseen. Pitäisiköhän ottaa pari sanaa takaisin sillä tänään nautin todella paljon talvisesta maisemastamme. Teimme pienen metsäkävelyn kotini lähellä. Reitti kulkee peltoja pitkin josta se jatkuu kapealle polulle johtaen lopulta pienelle järvelle josta löytyy pari kappaletta lintutorneja. Tähän aikaan vuodesta lintuja ei näkynyt, mutta sen sijaan oli helppo kokea luonnon hiljaisuutta. Se oli todella rauhoittavaa. Ja kaunista. Hieman kylmääkin!


AgapeLiz said...

It's always so lovely to walk in the nature, to feel the silence of the nature. I love to do that too.

Nathalie said...

It must have been cool - in every sense of the word ;)

Miss Mish Mish said...

How lovely! I'm not brave enough to go out in the cold but i can imagine the calming effect of frozen nature...it's like in a fairy tale!

jealousydesign said...

I love to walk around in the forest around our house it is the most calm and inspired thing I know. beautiful photo!

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