Yesterday the mailman carried something special to me: 100 small paper butterflies which had travelled all the way from South Carolina, US. I'm totally head over heels with them! They will make perfect embellishments for my new gift tags, to mention only one use for them. Thank you Kristine at beachcottagestudio!
Näyttää kuin olisin aloittanut esittelysarjan omista Etsy hankinnoistani. Ei aivan, mutta välillä kyllä joudun hieman rauhoittelemaan itseäni kaikkia niitä hienoja kauppoja selatessani!
Eilen postipoika toi mukanaan jotain erityistä: 100 pientä paperiperhosta jotka olivat matkanneet meille South Carolinasta, Amerikasta. Olen todellakin ihastunut niihin! Ne tulevat kaunistamaan mm. uusia pakettikorttejani. Kiitokset Kristinelle beachcottagestudiolta!
I know the feeling when you have new supplies, it's like you want to try them immeaditely! now! NOOWWW :)
They look super lovely and I am sure you'll make something beautiful with them
they are so lovely !
These butterflies are so pretty and the colours are charming!
I can understand how u feel! When I order my supplies, I am always looking forward to what it is! Very exciting! Lovely butterflies!
Oh, butterflies are my favorites! So pretty!
Thank you for blogging about the paper butterflies! I really love your new cards that you are makeing! Very sweet.
There is a blog feature about your shop: http://www.beachcottagestudio.blogspot.com
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